Pool Deck Washing, Southport, NC

Enhance your backyard with professional pool deck washing services.

For some homeowners, there’s nothing better than having a pool in their own backyard. They can host amazing pool parties, get a good workout by swimming laps, or simply enjoy the sunshine while floating on the water. However, since pools are so frequently used and the pool deck is constantly exposed to the elements, the areas surrounding your pool can quickly become dirty.

Pool Deck Washing in Southport, North Carolina

Here at Pelican Prowash, we’re here to offer pool deck washing services for residents throughout the Southport, North Carolina region. Our professional team can provide the best cleaning solutions based on your unique needs, whether that includes mold or mildew build-up, or stubborn stains around your pool.

If you choose to contact us for pool deck washing services, we’ll come out to your home to inspect the area and determine what kind of cleansers are necessary to get your deck looking like new again. You’ll never have to worry about harmful chemicals getting into your pool or yard, as we only use eco-friendly, biodegradable cleansers that are designed to gently remove dirt and grime. Furthermore, our soft washing techniques won’t damage any delicate surfaces around your pool, either. Soft washing uses low-pressure water streams to cleanse and sanitize all types of surfaces, including more fragile materials.

Next time you need pool deck washing solutions, we encourage you to connect with our team! Our soft washing methods are more eco-friendly and longer lasting than pressure washing techniques, and they won’t pose a threat to your plant life, lawn, or property. If you’d like to learn more about our pool deck washing options or schedule an appointment with one of our experts, simply give us a call today.

At Pelican Prowash, we offer pool deck washing services in Southport, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and Wilmington, North Carolina.