Window Cleaning, Shallotte, NC

HomeExterior House Cleaning, Shallotte, NCWindow Cleaning, Shallotte, NC

Our team offers the expert exterior window cleaning services you need to keep your home looking its best.

If you want to keep your home looking great, you will need to keep your windows clean. While it’s simple enough (although often tedious) to clean the inside of your windows, to clean the outside you will most likely need outside help. Our team at Pelican Prowash offers the exterior window cleaning services you need to keep your windows, and your exterior as a whole, looking spotless, and we encourage you to give them a try.

Window Cleaning in Shallotte, North Carolina

For our exterior window cleaning services, we use a method known as soft washing. While this method is somewhat similar to standard pressure washing, it differs in some important ways—to start with, it uses much lower water pressure, which makes it safe to use on your window glass. The water pressure used in traditional pressure washing can easily reach or even exceed 3,000 PSI, which is strong enough to damage glass, while the pressure used in soft washing doesn’t even reach 100 PSI, making it much safer. In addition, soft washing will get rid of any mold, mildew, or other contaminants growing on your windows and prevent them from coming back—we will treat your windows with a specialized cleaning solution to kill these microorganisms first, then spray them with water to wash all the grime away.

We are proud to serve Shallotte, North Carolina and surrounding areas, and we want to help you keep your home or business looking its best. If you are looking for high-quality window cleaning services, just give us a call to get our experts on the job.

At Pelican Prowash, we offer window cleaning services in Southport, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and Wilmington, North Carolina.