We offer high-quality exterior house washing services to help you keep your home looking its best.
At Pelican Prowash, we know you care about your home, and we are here to help you keep it in good condition. One of the most important things you can do to maintain your home is keep the exterior clean and free of mold, mildew, algae, etc. Not only do these microorganisms damage your siding over time, but they also trap dirt particles and make your home’s exterior look dull and grimy. Our team offers high-quality exterior house washing services that will get rid of these nasty contaminants for you, making your home look spotless and brand new.

For our exterior house washing services, we use a method known as soft washing, which gets its name from the fact that it uses softer water pressure than standard pressure washing. Soft washing is not only better for your home than pressure washing, as it is far less likely to damage your siding, but it also produces a more thorough, longer-lasting clean.
Pressure washing gets rid of surface-level dirt, but soft washing uses specialized cleaning solutions to get rid of the mold, algae, etc. that cause dirt to build up in the first place. Once the cleaning solutions have gone to work, we gently use water to wash everything away.
"Easy to work with.”
“Amber and John are the best. Super knowledgeable, helpful, easy to work with, local, small business, and committed to their community. I would not hesitate to use them again and to refer them to my friends and family!”
★★★★★ Stephanie B.
Need exterior house washing? Contact us to book your free estimate!
Services We Offer

Exterior House Washing
Our team provides the expert exterior house washing services you need to keep your home looking its best.

Exterior Office Washing
We’ll keep your business spotless, so you can always make a strong first impression on your customers.

Landscape Lighting
You can turn to us for help with landscape lighting design and installation.
Need exterior house washing? Contact us to book your free estimate!
Choose us for exceptional soft washing solutions.
Our team is proud to serve Ocean Isle, North Carolina and surrounding areas, and we want to help you keep your home in the best possible condition. If you are looking for exterior house washing experts you can count on to ensure your home looks its best, just give us a call.
At Pelican Prowash, we offer exterior house washing services in Southport, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and Wilmington, North Carolina.
Why Choose Pelican Prowash?
Here at Pelican Prowash, our goal is to help you keep your home, business, or other property looking great and in great condition. To do this, we offer a wide range of exterior cleaning services designed to keep your siding, pathways, driveways, walls, and other structures looking their very best.
See what some of our satisfied clients are saying about exterior house washing and other services.
Need exterior house washing? Contact us to book your free estimate!
Improve your home with exterior cleaning!