Our exterior house washing services address the root cause of dirt buildup to produce a superior clean.
In order to keep your home in great condition, one thing you will need to do is keep the exterior clean. Dirt doesn’t just look bad, but the dirt particles also create friction against your siding, causing it to wear out faster. In addition, much of the staining you’ll see on building exteriors is not dirt at all, but rather colonies of mildew, algae, mold, and similar damaging microorganisms. It’s necessary to clean your home’s exterior regularly to get rid of these contaminants and prevent them from damaging your home. Fortunately, our team at Pelican Prowash is here to help you with all your exterior house cleaning needs.
We use a method known as soft washing for our exterior house washing services. This alternative to standard pressure washing uses a much lower, gentler water pressure to avoid damaging your siding, yet it also produces a more thorough, longer-lasting clean. Soft washing uses a specialized blend of cleaning solutions to eliminate mildew, algae, and similar contaminants, and since those contaminants are what attract dirt particles in the first place, getting rid of them keeps your exterior cleaner for longer. If you have questions about our soft washing techniques or our exterior house washing services, simply reach out to our team.
We are proud to serve Wilmington, North Carolina and surrounding areas, and we want to help you keep your home in great condition. If you are interested in our exterior house washing services, we encourage you to give us a call to learn more.
At Pelican Prowash, we offer exterior house washing services in Southport, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and Wilmington, North Carolina.