Your historic building is safe in our capable hands.
Here at Pelican Prowash, we provide a wide range of exterior cleaning services to help our customers keep their property in excellent condition. One of our essential services is historic building washing, which allows our clients to preserve and beautify their historic properties without the concerns that arise from traditional exterior cleaning methods.
Because we use the soft washing technique, you don’t have to worry about us damaging your property when you hire us for historic building washing. Soft washing uses a gentle stream of water that’s close to the same pressure that you would get from a garden hose, so it’s safe for the delicate surfaces you often find on historic properties. The cleaning power comes from our specialized cleaning detergents, which are biodegradable and water based. We also take good care of your plants and lawn by applying a special plant wash to ensure that the soft washing solutions do not harm them.
We also understand that professionalism is extremely important, which is why every member of our team must pass a thorough background check and participate in extensive training. Any member of our staff who shows up to do a job will arrive in a branded vehicle and have a company badge with them that they can show you upon request, affording you peace of mind that the people on your property are who they say they are.
To schedule a historic building washing service, reach out to our team today. We proudly serve customers in Wilmington, North Carolina and surrounding areas.
At Pelican Prowash, we offer historic building washing services in Southport, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and Wilmington, North Carolina.