Our soft washing services provide a more thorough, longer-lasting clean than standard pressure washing methods.
When it comes to exterior cleaning, the method most people are familiar with is pressure washing, which uses high-powered water to blast away dirt and grime. While this method can be effective for some applications, it can also do serious damage to the target surface, which means it is not the best choice for all situations. Fortunately, our team at Pelican Prowash is here to provide a gentler, more effective alternative in the form of our soft washing services.
Soft washing gets its name from the fact that is uses softer, gentler water pressure to clean your exterior surfaces and will not do damage to them the way standard pressure washing can. Despite the fact that it uses lower water pressure, soft washing is actually more effective at removing dirt and grime and keeping it gone, as it is designed to target the root cause of dirt buildup.
Prior to spraying your surfaces with water, our soft washing team will treat them with a specialized combination of cleaning solutions that will eliminate mold, mildew, algae, and other harmful, dirt-collecting microorganisms. By getting rid of these contaminants, we will get your home, walkway, or other structure much cleaner and keep it that way for much longer than we could achieve by using water alone.
We are proud to serve Shallotte, North Carolina and surrounding areas, and we want to help you keep your property in great shape. If you are interested in giving our soft washing services a try, just give us a call to set up an appointment.
At Pelican Prowash, we offer soft washing services in Southport, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, and Wilmington, North Carolina.